Khawaja Qasim 应用

Surah Al Fath with mp3 1.3
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Al Fath is very nice Surah of Al QuranKareem.Features:* Multiple Languages Supported (Now available Arabic, Urdu andEnglish)* Surah Al Fath Benifits (Fazeelat)* Surah Ar Fath History* Share benifits with your friends* User Feedback (You can email us for suggestion or bug to reportetc)* New concept of Animation.* Beautiful Voice (with Urdu and English Translation)* Best Graphics* User Attractive Color Theme* More Innovative.* Easy To Read with translation.* Easy To Use.
Surah Waqiah with mp3 1.1
Khawaja Qasim
Surat-u- al Waqiah (56) Prophet Muhammad said,"Whoever recites Surah al Waqiah at night would never encounterpoverty."In this application you see the all important features:* Text Reading (Visible text in arabic, urdu and english)* Listen (Arabic, Urdu and english)* History* Benefits (Fazeelat) in urdu and english* Tafseer* Most downloadable islamic application links* You can give us feedback too.
Surah Ikhlas 1.1
Khawaja Qasim
Al-Ikhlas is not merely the name of this Surahbut also the title of its contents, for it deals exclusively withTauhid. The other Surahs of the Quran generally have beendesignated after a word occurring in them, but in this Surah theword Ikhlas has occurred nowhere. It has been given this name inview of its meaning and subject matter. Whoever understands it andbelieves in its teaching, will get rid of shirk (polytheism)completely.Surah Ikhlas is very nice Surah of Al Quran Kareem.Features:* Multiple Languages Supported (Now available Arabic, Urdu andEnglish)* Surah Ikhlas in Video* Surah Ikhlas History* New concept of Animation.* Beautiful Voice (With Urdu and English Translation)* Best Graphics* User Attractive Color Theme* More Innovative.* Easy To Read with translation.* Easy To Use.
Surah Muzammil with Mp3 1.3
Khawaja Qasim
It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W)that a person who recites this surah will never face bad times. Theperson who recites it in the Isha or Tahajjud prayers alwaysremains pure of heart and even dies while he is in a pure state.Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that a person who recites thissurah properly will get a chance to meet the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W)and if he prays for something from Allah (s.w.t.) he will get it.Reciting surah al-Muzammil a hundred times on Thursday night leadsto the forgiving of a hundred major sins and procures a hundredrewards. Recitation of this surah protects one from insanity andfrom being a slave to people.This application has a beautiful animations, style, theme,color, voice, multiple languages supported, easy to use, easy toread.
Surah Ar Rahman 1.1
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Ar Rahman is very nice Surah of Al QuranKareem.Features:* Multiple Languages Supported (Now available Arabic, Urdu andEnglish)* Surah Ar Rahman Benifits (Fazeelat)* Surah Ar Rahman History* New concept of Animation.* Beautiful Voice (with Urdu and English Translation)* Best Graphics* User Attractive Color Theme* More Innovative.* Easy To Read with translation.* Easy To Use.
Volume for Android 1.3
Khawaja Qasim
Best volume controller,Beautiful design, No annoying ad, easy touse.
Surah Taha with mp3 1.4 Fix Release
Khawaja Qasim
If a girl is not getting married and she wishes to get married, sheshould take ghusl (bath) with water in which this Surah has beendissolved and by the will of Allah (S.w.T.) she will get married.If a man wishes to get married, he should write verses 131 and 132of this Surah with saffron and then wear it as a talisman andInshaAllah his proposal will be accepted. A narration from the HolyProphet (s.a.w.w) that whoever recites this Surah will get thereward equivalent to the number of companions of the Holy Prophet(s.a.w.w) from the Muhajireen and Ansaar.
Surah Mudassir with mp3 1.5
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Mudassir is a Meccan Surah with 56 verses and means "thecloaked one". It was the second surah revealed to the Holy Prophet(p.b.u.h) according to many well-known authors' chronologies. TheSurah expands over a range of themes. The first thematic section ofSurah Mudassir is an injunction for self-preparedness, the secondis a warning for the disbelievers- explaining the wrath of Allahand the punishment they'll receive for their heinous sins, thethird section uses the accessible physical world as proof that thewreckage and desolation that awaits the unbelievers will be equallyreal and finally, the last section instructs the mankind to fearand glorify Allah. Surah Mudassir has many benefits : • Accordingto Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s), the person who recites this surahin his compulsory prayers will attain a rank near the Holy Prophet(p.b.u.h) in the afterlife and will be protected from themisfortunes in this world. • If you make a dua after regularrecitation of this Sura, then that dua will be answered, and theneed will be fulfilled. • If someone makes a dua, wishing tomemorize the whole Quran, then he will not die until he hasmemorized it with the help of Allah. Key features of the app : •This app offers a wide variety of languages for the Surah and iscurrently available in Urdu, English and Arabic. • Beautifulrecitation/ Tilawat of the Surah. • It includes audio/mp3 andwritten text of Surah Mudassir along with the translation /tarjuma– available in both English and Urdu. • Complete and comprehensivemeaning in Urdu, word by word / ayat by ayat, making it easier tounderstand the essence of the Surah. • English, urdu and Arabicaudio. • Allows you to listen and read at the same time. • You canlisten to the Surah in the background as well. • The app is userfriendly and easily operable with a short menu from where you caneasily select your options. • The bright and distinct color thememakes it more appealing and easier to read. The font is just theperfect size for you to read it clearly. • Beautiful andunderstandable writing • A variety of Surah suggestions given atthe end • If you have any suggestions, you can let us know bygiving us feedback.
Surah Al Baqrah with mp3 1.3
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Baqrah with audio and English Translation.
Surah As Sajdah with Mp3 2.1
Khawaja Qasim
Surah as Sajdah with mp3 and translation is Urdu and English.
Surah Muhammad with mp3 1.4
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Muhammad is the 47th Surah of the Holy Quran and has 38verses. It is named directly after the name of our Prophet(p.b.u.h). It is also known as Surah Al Qital, which meansfighting. The Surah refers to a specific conflict which arose fromthe backlash received from the people of Arabia against thespreading of Islam. It refers to the Battle of Badr, where an armywas being gathered to attack the Muslims in Madinah. It took placeduring Ramazan, in the second year of Hijrat or migration. It wasrevealed after the victory of Muslims in the battle of Badr/Ghazwa-e-Badr and highlights the main events and miracles that tookplace during the battle. Surah Muhammad is a very beautiful Surahwith great importance. It gives relief to the heart and helps theperson keep his firm belief in Allah and all his miracles. It hasmany benefits : 1. It is said by the Holy Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) in the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan that the one whorecites this Surah will have his thirst quenched by the drink fromthe rivers of Jannat. 2. The one who recites this Surah will neverhave any doubt about his religion. 3. It prevents a person frombelieving in any type of shirk or disbelief. 4. If you recite thisSurah regularly, a thousand angles will send salutations to yourgrave on your death. 5. When you will rise from your grave on theday of judgement, you will see the blessed face of Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) 6. You will be placed under the protection of Allah andProphet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) if you recite Surah Muhammad on regularbasis. 7. If this Surah is written and kept by a person, he/shewill be protected from all evils and problems whether he is asleepor awake. 8. It is also a safety from insanity Key features of thisapp: • This app offers a wide variety of languages for the Surahand is currently available in Urdu, English and Arabic. • Beautifulrecitation/ Tilawat of the Surah. • It includes audio/mp3 andwritten text of Surah Muhammad along with the translation /tarjuma– available in both English and Urdu. • Complete and comprehensivemeaning in Urdu and English, word by word / ayat by ayat, making iteasier to understand the essence of the Surah. • English, Urdu andArabic text. • A brief history of the given Surah is alsoavailable. • Tafseer of the Surah is given in the application too.• Allows you to listen and read at the same time. • You can listento the Surah in the background as well. • The app is user friendlyand easily operable with a short menu from where you can easilyselect your options. • The soft and distinct color theme makes itmore appealing and easier to read. The font is just the perfectsize for you to read it clearly. • Beautiful and understandablewriting • A variety of Surah suggestions given at the end • If youhave any suggestions, you can let us know by giving us feedback. •You can share it with your friends
Urdu Dishes 2.0
Khawaja Qasim
This application has recipes of Pakistani,Continental, Chinese, Italian, Baking and Mughal Dishes.
Darood Taj 1.1
Khawaja Qasim
Imam Abu BakribnSalim, the author of Durood-e-Taj, composed thisDurood out of his huge amount of love for the Beloved Messenger ofAllah(p.b.u.h). Since then, it has become renowned throughout theworld, loved for its strikingmelodious style and its beautifulhumbleness in addressing the Beloved Messenger through his worthyattributes. Durood Taj has many benefits: 1. If anyone wants to seeProphet Muhammad (p.b.u.h), he should recite DuroodTaj every nightafter Isha prayers 70 times. If he repeats this for 11 nights, hewill inshAllah see Hazrat Muhammad (p.b.u.h) in his dream 2. Tocleanse his heart, a person should recitethisDurood seven timesafter Fajar prayers and 3 times after Asar and Ishaa prayers 3. Forgetting rid of jinn or shaytaan and to be safe from a disease,recite this 11 times 4. For being safe from enemies and jealousy,recite this Durood for 40 nights, 41 times after Ishaa prayers Keyfeatures of this application : 1. This app offers a wide variety oflanguages for the Durood and is currently available in Urdu andArabic. 2. It includes written text of Durood Taj along with thetranslation /tarjuma– available in Urdu. 3. Complete andcomprehensive meaning in Urdu, word by word / ayat by ayat, makingit easier to understand the essence of the Durood. 4. Threebeautiful fonts 5. KQ style, normal style and list style 6.Fazeelat in Urdu 7. The app is user friendly and easily operablewith a short menu from where you can easily select your options. 8.The bright and distinct color theme makes it more appealing andeasier to read. The font is just the perfect size for you to readit clearly. 9. Beautiful and understandable writing 10. A varietyof Surah suggestions given at the end 11. If you have anysuggestions, you can let us know by giving us feedback. 12. Sharewith your friends
Ayatul Kursi with mp3 1.2.1
Khawaja Qasim
Ayatul Kursi application has audio of multiple voice and withreadable text.
Candle Torch 1.2
Khawaja Qasim
A fancy and appealing app for getting candle light without anactual candle!
Bachpan ki Yaden 1.3
Khawaja Qasim
Childhood memories/"Bachpan ki yaadein" to help you relive the oldtimes.
Surah Yunus with mp3 1.2
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Yunus with mp3 and translation in Urdu, English and Arabic.
4 Qul with mp3 1.2_1019
Khawaja Qasim
char Qul with mp3 is a free app. Enjoy recitation with text andbeautiful voice.
Azma Luck Azma 1.2
Khawaja Qasim
This is just a game. User guess the hidden number.
Home Schooling Free 1.2
Khawaja Qasim
Home Schooling provide the education with more fun game andattractive interface
Madni Puzzle 1.2
Khawaja Qasim
Interactive puzzle to help improve congenital skills and yourmemory.
Islamic Books 2.0
Khawaja Qasim
Who doesn't want to increase their knowledge about their religionsothey can become a better person? Every Muslim should becompletelyaware about the do's and the don’ts of his religion sohe can followthe path to righteousness and gain closeness toAllah. One can findmany books/publications on such matters butmostly finding bookswhich fulfill your demands and contain all thenecessary contentbecomes very difficult. Sometimes the booksaren't authentic andsometimes they don't contain the answer toyour question. Thishassle might lead to the person not readingabout their concern andend up doing something which is notpermitted in Islam. That’s whyKhawaja Qasim brings you anapplication which can solve all theseissues and provide you withan easy way to access material aboutIslam. With all the importantand authentic books in just oneApplication – "Islamic Books", isan exceptional application withfeatures only unique to its ownplatform. This application bestserves the people who want to readabout Islam from the authenticsources. In just one touch you'reintroduced to a wide collection ofIslamic books from which you canchose and read whatever you want.The application is very userfriendly and can be understood easily.A short menu makeseverything clear and everything you want willjust be a touch away!• 5 languages - Arabic - Urdu - English -Chinese - Hindi •Different Islam related topics • Tabs showing themost read andrecently added books • You can also save the books youwant andfavorite them too -which will then be available in thefavoritestab. • Pdf versions of the books which can easily bezoomed in orout • Beautiful font which can easily be read • 6 mostread booksand 30 Paras of the Quran in the newly added bookssection inArabic. • 10 most read books and 20+ newly added books inUrdu. •10 most read books and 20+ newly added books in English. •10 mostread books and 7 newly added books in Chinese. • 10 mostread booksand 10+ newly added books in Hindi. • Help option alsoprovided incase you face any problem in loading the book • Feedbackoption tolet us know about your experience or any suggestions youmighthave. You can let us know by email, skype, text or twitter. •Sharethis application with your friends • A list of variousapplicationsuggestions lets you go to the application directly anddownloadwith just one tap • Tapping on the mail button takes youdirectlyto the email • Appealing background with soft colors tokeep youengaged and not feel tired
Surah Yaseen Urdu with mp3 2.5.1
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Yasin with mp3 and translation in English, Urdu and Arabic
Surah Al Jummah with mp3 1.3
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Al Jummah with mp3 has text and audio in urdu, english andarabic language
Surah Rahman with mp3 1.6
Khawaja Qasim
This application contain multiple languages,mp3,beautifulanimation,voice,style
Surah Kahf with mp3 1.3
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Kahf with mp3 and translation in Urdu and English.
Darood Tanjeena 1.5
Khawaja Qasim
Darood Tanjeena is a very short application and it has in 3different views
Surah Mulk with mp3 1.2
Khawaja Qasim
This application contain multiple languages,mp3,beautifulanimation,voice,style.
Surah Yusuf with mp3 1.4
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Yusuf with mp3 and translation in Urdu and English..
Surah Yusuf with mp3 1.4
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Yusuf with mp3 and translation in Urdu and English..
Surah Maryam with mp3 2.2
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Maryam mp3, and written text in Urdu, English and Arabic.
Urdu Poetry 1.6
Khawaja Qasim
Collection of new Urdu poetry.
Urdu Poetry 1.6
Khawaja Qasim
Collection of new Urdu poetry.
Shaban Ke Fazail 1.5.1
Khawaja Qasim
Benefits/Fazail of Shaban in Urdu with Text, Naat and Bayyan.
Jeeto Inaam Ghar 3.5
Khawaja Qasim
Now your favorite game bring happiness on your cute faces.
Jeeto Inaam Ghar 3.5
Khawaja Qasim
Now your favorite game bring happiness on your cute faces.
Jeeto Inaam Ghar 3.5
Khawaja Qasim
Now your favorite game bring happiness on your cute faces.
Donation Queries 1.5
Khawaja Qasim
You know the all methods of donation. you found the allqueriesabout donation.
Surah Yasin mp3 1.4
Khawaja Qasim
Surah Yasin mp3 has arabic, urdu and english audio. Arabic,Urdureading text